Soil Solutions Plus


Agricultural Specialists in Manure Management and Environmental Planning on the farm


  • Soil Sampling


We provide a basic soil sampling service focused on obtaining results that help us optimize the manure use on your farm:

  • We charge $1/Acre plus the cost of Lab Services (minimum 200Ac)
  • We sample at 1 sample/ 25 Acres
  • We use the lowest cost tests to obtain the information required
  • No fancy colored maps, No GPS referenced samples
  • Manure consistency is variable, there is no point in paying for detailed work when you really can only work from the lowest fertility point upwards.
  • If your lab results show that Lime is required we will automatically obtain a Lime application quote for your farm.


Manure Valuation

  • Many livestock operations look at manure as a fixed expense and fail to see the true value of the Nutrients to the crop. There are many value adding options available, but the majority of the $$$ in manure is maximizing the nutrient value and reducing application cost.
  • An evaluation of your manure use takes into account the volume and strength of the manure on hand and balances the available fertilizer saving opportunities available.
  • As commercial fertilizer costs increase inefficient manure use becomes a larger lost opportunity cost, getting a basic understanding of the value and costs in your operation will pay off over each year.
  • We have experience in preparing Manure Sale Contracts between Livestock Producers and Cash Croppers that realize the full benefit of the manure and work well for both parties every year
  • The process starts with a White Sample Jar and a short interview and results in a summary of the manure value and highlights the best use scenarios for your crop rotation, a yearly test ensures that your plan is still effective and this will give you the base information that you need to make the right decisions with your manure.


We service all of Southern Ontario

Matt Robillard, P.Ag.

St.George Brant

PH (519) 512-2595

PH (905) 297-5328

Site Map                                  


More Information:

Environmental Farm Plan -

Sample Projects - Poultry Manure Storage - Turkey Litter Storage - Page 1 - Page 2 - Page 3

Environmental Cost-Share Opportunities for Ontario Farmers

Nutrient Management Plans

Farm Property Real Estate Review

Representation for Municipal Applications (Permits, Severance, Zoning)

Funding Programs

Client Plan Access - Plan List

Agricultural Information Links

Soil Solutions Plus and SSP are references to Soil Solutions Plus Inc. PO BOX 1003 St. George Brant Ontario, N0E 1N0

Soil Solutions Plus Nutrient Management Environmental Farm Plan Soil Sampling Consulting Farm Property Real Estate Review